Monday, March 26, 2018

name change

When I decided to start a second Twitter account for my music-related programming efforts, I reconsidered naming and decided to use the handle "harmonicLattice" to shift away from a focus on integer ratios and towards the idea of tonal structure based on harmonics. Integer ratios are still very much part of it, just not as blatantly so as they were in RatioKey.

Since then, I have also opened a gitHub account using the same handle. While I have yet to put anything there, my intention is to use this account to post some code as open source. (Details to be forthcoming if and when this actually happens.)

Now I have also changed the name of this blog to "Harmonic Lattice" although the URL remains unchanged, to keep from breaking any links to it which might exist out there in the wild.

That's not to say that this will be the name of any new app (if and when), but it does provide a glimpse at the direction in which I'm working in my efforts to create one.

I have made progress towards this, but a great deal of work remains to be done, and I won't hazard a guess as to when it might be ready for initial submission to the App Store.

I say initial submission, because I fully expect to not gain acceptance on the first try. Standards are higher than they were in 2010, and I've been out of the loop enough that I may have forgotten or be unaware of certain requirements.